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PhoneCallAudioReceiver Methods

The PhoneCallAudioReceiver type exposes the following members.

Public methodAttachToCall
Attaches the object to a call so it can receive media data from that call. If the PhoneCallAudioReceiver is already attached to an active call, it will be detached from it first.
Public methodDataReceivedFromCall
Some data is received from the call If you override this method you'll get access to the incoming RTP packets, but keep in mind that you must call the SendMediaData(MediaData mediaData) method before return. You can make decisions based on the RTP packets before sending the audio data to the speaker or other AudioReceiver.
Public methodDetach
Detaches the object from the call.
Public methodDispose
Disposes the object.
(Inherited from DisposableClass.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) (Overrides DisposableClassDispose(Boolean).)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from DisposableClass.)
Public methodGetAudioFormat (Overrides AudioSenderGetAudioFormat.)
Protected methodReceiverConnected
This will be called when this object has been connected to an audio receiver.
(Inherited from AudioSender.)
Protected methodReceiverDisconnected
This will be called when this object has been disconnected from an audio receiver.
(Inherited from AudioSender.)
Protected methodSendMediaData (Inherited from AbstractMediaSenderTData, TFormat.)
Public methodSetPreferredSendFormats (Inherited from AbstractMediaSenderTData, TFormat.)
See Also