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ContactIdNotificationEventArg Properties

The ContactIdNotificationEventArg type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountNumber
4 digits Account number in hex string format, composed from hex digits: 0-9, B-F
Public propertyDTMFDigits
Contains the raw DTMF digits received. For more info see the Ademco ContactID Protocol specification (SIA DC-05-1999.09)
Public propertyEventCode
3 digits Event code in hex string format, composed from hex digits: 0-9, B-F.It represents the type of the alarm (fire, burglar, etc.)
Public propertyEventName
The event name
Public propertyEventQualifier
Types of alarm events: New Event, New Restore, Status report
Public propertyMessageType
Message Type. This 2- digit sequence is used to identify the Contact ID message to the receiver. It may be transmitted as either 18 (Preferred) or 98 (Optional).
Public propertyPartitionNumber
Maximum 2 digits Group or Partition number in hex string format, composed from hex digits: 0-9, B-F. Use 0 to indicate that no specific group or partition information applies.
Public propertyZoneNumber
Maximum 3 digits Zone number in hex string format, composed from hex digits: 0-9, B-F. Use 0 to indicate that no specific zone or user information applies
See Also